The requirements for the articles design

The article is submitted on an electronic data carrier as well as in the hard-copy version accompanied by:

  1. the license contract filled out by the author in duplicate and a certificate of article transfer in duplicate (download forms);
  2. the form proving the author’s consent to allow access to his personal data to an indefinite range of persons (download forms);
  3. the extract from the minutes of the department meeting;
  4. the article review;
  5. the expert resolution of the possibility to publish the article in the open press;
  6. the abstract of the resolution of the Institute Council (only for VSTU authors).

The article gives the UDK classification number as well as the author’s surname and initials (in Cyrillic and Latin alphabets), the article’s title and annotation (up to 500 characters in the Russian language and at least 500-600 characters in the English language) and key words, the main text, bibliographic list (original and transliterated), information about the authors (in Russian and transliterated).

The number of authors is no more than 6 people.

The originality of the article according to the licensed version of the service – from 70%.

On a separate sheet of paper (in a separate file) the authors’ and the co-authors’ personal data is to be placed exactly as mentioned in the form (see above):


IN RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES: the academic degree, the title, the position, the place of work, the name and the code of scientific specialty (in accordance with the Supreme Attestation Commission Nomenclature) of the author’s dissertation research;

The post address (IN THE CYRILLIC AND LATIN ALPHABETS), the telephone number and e-mail address for the contacts with the Editorial Staff and for the publication in the journal.

The text of the article and the author’s (authors’) personal data are certified with the original signature of the author(s) of the article.

The article size is from 3 (full) to 7 pages of the standard format of the “Vestnik” (see below), including the title of the article, annotations, the article’s text, tables, figures, bibliographic list. The last page, starting with the 4th page, is considered to be a full one irrespective of the actual filling.

The original article must be executed with the program package Microsoft Office (Word 2003); the type of the body text is Times New Roman (Cyr) # 11 (11 points). Page Setup — sheet of A4 size, margins, see: upper — 3,7; bottom — 4,5; left — 2,0; right — 6,0; binding — 0, mirror margins. The distance from the upper edge to the page header is 3 cm., from the bottom edge to the running foot — 3,7cm. Paragraph indention is 0,75 cm. The line spacing is single.

The automatic hyphenation is set (no more than 4 successive hyphenations in one paragraph). The orphan lines are automatically prohibited.

To compose formulas the author can use the formula editors Microsoft Equation and Microsoft MathType 6; the default type sizes for one- and two-line formulas are set to be: regular — 11 points, for large and small character index — correspondingly 8 and 6 points, for large and small characters — correspondingly 16 and 11 points. Greek and Russian letters are printed in Roman type; Latin letters are printed in italics. If the arrangement of the formulas differs from the traditional one, the author must make special notes in the margins of the hard-copy version of the article; in this case Greek letters are circled with a red pencil, Gothic — with a blue one. The formulas are aligned flush-left with paragraph indention. The composition of formulas is fulfilled by the author using all the possible ways of simplification and it mustn’t contain intermediate conversions.

Vector drawings, saved in the format WMF, the bit map ones — in TIF or BMP as well as diagrams and charts constructed in Microsoft Excel are placed in separate files on the electronic data carrier. The name of the file must correspond to the title or number of the figure in the text of the article. Additionally, illustrations are obligatorily submitted in the hard-copy version on separate sheets of paper of A4 size in the scale 1:1, in the appropriate quality for scanning. The type size for the text in the figures is— 9-10 points. The underlines for the figures are executed right in the text of the article in the type Times # 10 (10 points), the explication in the underline — in Times # 9 (9 points). For file compression the archive programs WinZip, WinRAR can be used.

Colour and white-and-black photographs are sent in the original version with the title on the back side. Digital photographs are taken with the definition no less than 300...600 dpi, and sent in the electronic form in any of the graphic formats, except .jpg.

The text of tables is printed in type Times New Roman (Cyr) # 10 (10 points).


The bibliographic list includes only the pieces of literature quoted in the article. The sources are grouped in the list in the order of appearance in the text. References for the sources are given in the text in square brackets (IT IS FORBIDDEN TO USE FOOTNOTES TO INDICATE SOURCES). The bibliographic note includes only major elements of the bibliographic entry (National Standard GOST 7.1—2003). Separation characters “dashes” between the sections are omitted. Printing type is Times New Roman (Cyr) # 9 (9 points).

The language of bibliographic notes corresponds to that of described sources.


The reviewing rules

The articles are discussed with the Editorial Board, and the reviews received with the accompanying documents are taken into account.

The review should elucidate the conformity of the article content with the specified theme; the relevancy and the scientific novelty; the conformity of material exposition with methodological principles of engineering sciences and architecture; the language and the style of exposition; the presence of relevant graphs, tables and formulas. The signature of the reviewer is certified according to the rules set by the reviewer’s employer.

The articles may be directed by the Editorial Board to the additional internal or external expertise (reviewing). A copy of the opinion letter is delivered to the author (the name of the reviewer is unknown to him). If there are any recommendations on the article’s correction and improvement in the review, the author should take them into account when preparing a new variant or disprove them advancing forcible arguments. The completed (corrected) article is to be reviewed again.

The article which is not recommended for publication by the reviewer cannot be reviewed again.

The positive review is not a good cause for the article’s publication. The final decision on the publication is made by the Editorial Board. In case of positive resolution the responsible secretary notifies the author about it as well as about the terms of publication. The original reviews are kept in the Editorial Office of the Journal during three years.

The articles which do not meet the above-mentioned requirements, are not accepted by the Editorial Board. The rejected materials are not returned to the authors. The Editorial Board is entitled to carry out any abridgements and editorial amendments of the text. The proof sheet of the article is not granted to the authors. The coordination of editorial and author’s amendments (correspondence, phone talks) is realized at the author’s expense. The royalties for the article’s publication are not paid, PhD students do not pay any fees for publication. The collation of a regular issue is finalized three months before scheduled publication.

The approximate schedule of Journal’s Edition:

Series “Stroitelstvo i Arhitectura” (“Construction and Architecture”) – December (the Editorial Board accepts articles: for publication in March – till December, 1 of the previous year; for publication in June – till March, 1 of the current year; for publication in September – till June, 1; for publication in December – till September, 1).